A spousal agreement can make your union even stronger
Building a future together as a couple is filled with excitement and lots of planning. You and your partner will have many meaningful and sometimes difficult conversations and decisions to make about what’s important to both of you and what your goals are.
Talking about money is often difficult. At Tran Law Corporation, we will guide you through these sensitive discussions and help you find respectful solutions.
Cohabitation + Prenuptial + Spousal agreements

Couples enter into cohabitation, prenuptial, or spousal agreements to remove themselves from what the law provides in the event of separation or divorce. These legal contracts offer certainty should an unexpected split occur.
Cohabitation agreements are for couples who live together and have no plans to marry soon or at all (common-law partners). Prenuptial agreements are for partners who plan to marry in the foreseeable future, and spousal agreements are for those already married.